Home Energy:
Home Energy considerations and the Home Inspection:
In a general home nspection, we inspect and report on insulation, heating and cooling systems, water heating equipment, and other components relevant to the energy performance of the home.
Home owners - and home buyers - are increasingly concerned with energy efficiency as it relates to comfort, safety and ongoing energy cost; Jurisdictions have mandated increasingly higher standards of home construction and performance; And, there is a tendency toward requiring all structures to have some kind of energy rating or score indicating that structure's level of energy efficiency.
One such scoring system is the US Department of Energy's Home Energy Score™

The Home Energy Score™
The US Department of Energy's Home Energy Score™ assesses the energy efficiency of a home based on its structure and heating, cooling, and hot water systems.
It provides home owners, buyers, and renters directly comparable and credible information about a home’s energy use.
Like a miles-per-gallon rating for a car, the Home Energy Score is based on a standard assessment of energy-related assets to easily compare energy use across the housing market.
The Home Energy Score Report estimates home energy use and associated costs, and provides energy solutions to cost-effectively improve the home’s efficiency. Each Home Energy Score is shown on a simple one-to-ten scale, where a ten represents the most efficient homes.
DOE-trained Home Energy Score Assessors can provide the Home Energy Score within an energy audit, home inspection package, or as a standalone product.
Read more on the About the Score page and use this page to guide you to any resources you need
Home Energy Efficiency and Legislation.
The United States Department of Energy first passed serious legislation with respect to energy conservation during the oil crisis of the mid-seventies. Since then, successive Federal and State Laws have required more and more energy efficiency with a corresponding reduction (by about 50%) in energy use in homes. This leads to increased comfort levels, more control of our indoor environment, and lower energy costs.
The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) advises policymakers, educates consumers and monitors the accomplishments of States toward a more energy-efficient economy. Much of the energy debate centers around the energy efficiency of homes. New York and Connecticut score high (#5 and #6 in 2018) among states in their efforts to improve the energy efficiency of their economies.
Connecticut ranks #5 in energy efficiency amongst states nationwide:
In mid-2014, Connecticut’s Home Energy Solutions program implemented a pilot home energy score and labeling program. On April 1, 2015, the HES program fully integrated energy scoring and labeling.
The goal is to transform the market, so that sellers and buyers use the label as a tool to guide energy efficiency improvements and real estate purchases.
In 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recognized Connecticut as the first state to implement the statewide adoption of home energy scores. To date 21,141 home energy scores have been distributed to Home Energy Solutions participants. (Updated July 2018)
New York ranks #6 in energy efficiency amongst states nationwide:
On March 9, 2016, the Fire Prevention and Building Code Council voted to adopt major updates to the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code, incorporating the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code, ASHRAE 90.1-2013 and 2016 Energy Code Supplement. Effective October 2016, residential buildings must comply with the 2015 IECC.
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